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In the footsteps of Columba

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Oct, 2021 10:03 PM

Next week, Bishop Karen and the Revd Louise Ellis, Vicar of Lilliput, will be leading a long-awaited Diocesan pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona.

In the footsteps of Columba

Photo courtesy inclusivechrist on Twitter, via ionacommunity

First planned to take place in 2020, this pilgrimage will immerse the pilgrims in the worship of Iona Abbey and provoke refreshment as well as reflection.

45 pilgrims from across the Diocese, including a number of clergy, will be meeting in Glasgow to make the journey across to Iona, via two ferries and two coaches.

The pilgrims will include the Revd Jo Naish, who will join them after completing an epic bike ride from Tisbury to Scotland over the last few weeks.

The pilgrims are very mindful that, shortly after their visit, COP26 will take place in Glasgow, so many of their prayers and reflections will be on how we can tread gently on the earth, and honour God as creator and sustainer by the way we live.

Bishop Karen and the group will be documenting their five days on Iona, and the journey there and back, on Facebook - with some prayers and reflections as well as photographs - so do follow their experience via our Diocesan Facebook page and posts.

Bishop Karen says:

"This pilgrimage will be a time of renewal and refreshment for us all. Do pray for us as we travel and share together in the worshipping life of the newly refurbished Abbey.

"It is my hope that the pilgrims will share their experience with others as they return home, so many can draw from the rhythms of the early Celtic Christians and their commitment to the land, simplicity and prayer."

In the footsteps of Columba- accommodation on Iona

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