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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
A Bible based challenge to build a community

A Bible based challenge to build a community

by Michael Ford 26 January 2022

The past two years have not been easy on anybody. The Revd Caroline Husband of Holy Trinity Dilton Marsh found herself wondering how best to rebuild her community. Struggling to find inspirational material to guide her, she is holding a series of conversations based and listened to her congregation instead. This led to the priorities: Being energised by faith, and seeking God's will and carrying it out.

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Soon to be Arts Centre hosts Bishop Andrew

Soon to be Arts Centre hosts Bishop Andrew

by Michael Ford 26 January 2022

Last Saturday St Mary’s, Devizes had a full house. Bishop Andrew had come to launch his latest project, his book “English Grounds” and to share his love of landscape, local history and our very human interaction with land, locality and each other.

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A retired vicar set to lead a cycle pilgrimage

A retired vicar set to lead a cycle pilgrimage

by Michael Ford 26 January 2022

Retired vicar living in Pewsey, Robert de Berry, who will be eighty in June, is organising a bike pilgrimage to raise money for persecuted Christians. He is encouraging members of Salisbury Diocese to join or pray.

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Keeping it green

Keeping it green

by Michael Ford 20 January 2022

Westbury Leigh Primary School are celebrating being a green Eco School .

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From Forest Church to Farm Church

From Forest Church to Farm Church

by Michael Ford 20 January 2022

The Upper Wylye Valley Team recently held their annual Plough Sunday Service. This year it was held in Manor Farm in Codford, where the local farmer, also a worship leader, organised and led the service.

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Meet Hannah, Community Hub Development Adviser

Meet Hannah, Community Hub Development Adviser

by Michael Ford 20 January 2022

The diocesan staff welcome one of two new advisors, Hannah Tarring, who will be supporting the growth of Community Hubs across Salisbury Diocese.

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Introducing Nina

Introducing Nina

by Michael Ford 20 January 2022

The Diocese has commissioned an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor to work alongside victims and survivors.

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Avon Valley Churches' Girl Bishop delivers final address

Avon Valley Churches' Girl Bishop delivers final address

by Michael Ford 20 January 2022

Avon Valley Churches’ Emily Albury gave her final address as Girl Bishop at St Mary’s Church in Fordingbridge this week. During a heartfelt sermon, in which she focused on her passion for nature and the environment, Emily encouraged and challenged us all to try and help preserve the wonderful natural world God gave us with a list of achievable aims for the year.

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The genesis of Routes to Roots

The genesis of Routes to Roots

by Michael Ford 20 January 2022

Last week, on a tour of the diocese, Dean Stephen returned to his hometown of Poole to meet some of the people who are making a difference in their communities because of the love they have for God. One such group was Routes to Roots, a charity helping the homeless and vulnerably housed, and about to celebrate their 20th anniversary.

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Dean Stephen shares his heart for the diocese

Dean Stephen shares his heart for the diocese

by Michael Ford 20 January 2022

Delight and excitement greeted news of Dean Stephen’s arrival to Salisbury Diocese. Read on to hear his latest interviews.

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