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Home News Soon to be Arts Centre hosts Bishop Andrew

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Soon to be Arts Centre hosts Bishop Andrew

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Jan, 2022 08:54 PM

Last Saturday St Mary’s, Devizes had a full house. Bishop Andrew had come to launch his latest project, his book “English Grounds” and to share his love of landscape, local history and our very human interaction with land, locality and each other.

Some were there having read or heard about his new book.  Others attracted by his video series “Going to Ground”.  Yet others were looking forward to hearing him play and sing.  Whatever the reason there was a palpable buzz in the air.  

Bishop Andrew had his audience captivated with his own unique, anecdotal and poetic style of autobiography and local and ecclesiastical history.  Stories of locality told in a way that drew one in to listen closer. Despite the large number in the church, Bishop Andrew’s style felt like you were listening to a friend, sharing engaging stories and with him talking to you personally.  

Stories moved naturally into gentle songs rich in the metaphor of natural images and with the feel of ancient folk tales - though contemporary in composition.  My personal favourite being ‘Big Belly Oak’ and the beautiful, haunting 'Virginia Ash'. 

The biggest laugh of the evening came with a song about forgetting that +Andrew seemed to forget the second line to!  There must be something about it, as I can’t recall what it was called …  Everyone left excited, clutching books and in lively conversation.  

With thanks to Bishop Andrew. It was a wonderful way for us to kick off our St Mary’s regeneration project as we turn this church into an Arts and Educational Centre.  Those of you about to welcome  Bishop Andrew on the next leg of his ‘tour’ are in for a treat. 

Thanks to The Revd Jonathan Poston, Rector St John with St Mary, Devizes, for this review. 

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