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Keeping it green

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Jan, 2022 09:07 AM

Westbury Leigh Primary School are celebrating being a green Eco School .

The children at Westbury Leigh Primary have been inspired and embraced a variety of projects this year to achieve the status of being an Eco School. Being awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag has inspired the children further! Mrs Warren, Eco lead said,  

"As a school we celebrated our award by ‘Going Green’ for the day. Children wore green and joined in with a variety of activities experiencing and enjoying the wonder of nature around them in our fabulous grounds. 

"Later in the year the children embraced Recycling Week, starting with an assembly on ‘Waste is not rubbish’. Children discussed recycling around their homes and the processes around that help change scraps to spuds and from plastic bottles to football shirts. 

"Children put on their walking shoes to raise a gargantuan £1666 for further school Eco projects by participating in a Green Walkathon.  All children joined in with various events like roaring like a lion and completing other physical activities from spinning to star jumps. The session was enjoyed by all and proved very popular with children of all ages from EYFS to our Year 6." 

"I just didn’t want to stop!" - Kyle 

"All the money goes on our exciting learning outside" – Lola 

"It was so much fun -can we do it again?" – James 

Mrs Grimsey, Head Teacher, explained,  

"Our school is very proud of its green Eco School status. Even our Christmas tree decorations were made using re- and up-cycled materials, and nothing will go to waste. Even the tree is recycled and used for fodder for our school goats who live on Shearwater Farm." 

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