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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
To toss or not to toss...

To toss or not to toss...

by Michael Ford 28 February 2020

The annual Wimborne Minster Pancake Race had to be held in the Minster for only the third time in its 23 year history due to the wet weather conditions, but the winner of the fastest time didn't change.

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New, yet Familiar

New, yet Familiar

by Michael Ford 28 February 2020

The Diocese is welcoming a familiar face to a new role.

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Day of Prayer for Estates

Day of Prayer for Estates

by Michael Ford 28 February 2020

This week saw a day of prayer for England’s social housing estates.

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Tearfund launches drought appeal

Tearfund launches drought appeal

by Michael Ford 28 February 2020

Extended periods of below-average rainfall in Zimbabwe and across the wider southern Africa region have led to extreme hardship for poor farmers, who are struggling to feed their families. Tearfund has launched an appeal to help.

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Salisbury Conversations 2020

Salisbury Conversations 2020

by Michael Ford 28 February 2020

An impressive line-up of academics, public figures, social observers and theologians will gather at Salisbury Cathedral in March to take part in Salisbury Conversations 2020, a series of discussions tackling major issues facing us this century.

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Cathedral organ scholar lands top job

Cathedral organ scholar lands top job

by Michael Ford 28 February 2020

Salisbury Cathedral organ scholar Sam Bristow has landed a prestigious position at St Paul’s Cathedral, as the William and Irene Miller Organ Scholar.

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Joining up with the Channel Islands is a step closer

Joining up with the Channel Islands is a step closer

by Michael Ford 24 February 2020

The General Synod of The Church of England has approved recommendations that Episcopal oversight of the Channel Islands should be transferred to the Bishop of Salisbury.

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General Synod sets 2030 Net Zero carbon target

General Synod sets 2030 Net Zero carbon target

by Michael Ford 24 February 2020

The Church of England’s General Synod has set new targets for all parts of the church to work to become carbon ‘net zero’ by 2030.

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Living Lent on Local Radio

Living Lent on Local Radio

by Michael Ford 11 February 2020

Bishop Nicholas has had a busy Sunday morning.

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Sarum Lights

Sarum Lights

by Michael Ford 11 February 2020

Just one week to go before Sarum Lights, the Cathedral’s light and sound spectacular, launches.

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