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Living Lent on Local Radio

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Feb, 2020 04:56 PM

Bishop Nicholas has had a busy Sunday morning.

Before visiting Amesbury Abbey to lead the worship there, the Bishop was interviewed on the Sunday Morning Programmes on both our local radio stations.

He was speaking mainly about our 2020 Lent campaign #LiveLent "Care for Creation” on a morning when Storm Ciara hit our Diocese.

Commenting on the extreme weather, Bishop Nicholas said that while we couldn't blame all the weather on Climate Change, we are experiencing more extremes of weather and this leads to life threatening situations in many parts of our world.

Bishop Nicholas began the morning speaking to BBC Radio Wiltshire at just after 7am, where he was asked about the fundraising to repair the roof and renovate Amesbury Abbey and its ambitious plans to raise extra funds to help it become carbon neutral by 2045.

Item starts at 1:09:47

Bishop Nicholas said:
"Isn't it great that people see this as an opportunity to see what this building needs to be and do in the coming years and want to do something different with the building to address some of the issues in our wider world and not just the local community?"

The Bishop then spoke with the Revd Tim Daykin on Radio Solent.

Item starts at 1:45:31

Tim wanted to know more about the campaign, which is being followed by churches in our Diocese and is an opportunity for us to rebuild our relationship with our planet and, in turn, with the God who is Lord of everything.

He also asked Bishop Nicholas about the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 'Saying Yes to Life' by Ruth Valerio, which the Bishop sent to all licensed clergy in the Diocese.

Bishop Nicholas said:

"This is a wonderful book. I've watched Ruth develop this over the last year and she has done a fantastic job linking the stories at the beginning of Genesis with our responsibilities for God's creation and caring for the earth now.

"I hope churches will make this a focus, as this is a clever way of doing something for everyone during Lent."

As well as the book, there are two booklets available, one for adults and one for children.

It is hoped that during the 40 days of Lent, which begin on Ash Wednesday, February 26th, those using the booklets and engaging with the daily reflections prayers and actions "might learn more about the remarkable world we have been given and build habits that last beyond the season to protect and honour the earth."

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