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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
What's Going On

What's Going On

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

As churches we are simply called to be faithful. Some of us have the resources and ability to do stuff with live-streaming, while some of us can spend all day on the landline to elderly people who need a call. Some of us can simply pray for those in need.

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Renewing Hope

Renewing Hope

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

The virtual lockdown has affected communities across the Diocese, but clergy who minister to large multi-parish benefices are seeing first-hand how communities and villages are renewing hope through supporting one another at this time.

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Sleepsafe says thank-you

Sleepsafe says thank-you

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

The organisers of Sleepsafe in Dorset have thanked the churches and volunteers who helped provide temporary accommodation for the county's rough sleepers.

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Routes to Roots closes - but will re-open!

Routes to Roots closes - but will re-open!

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

The rough sleeper outreach team, St Mungo’s, has sourced temporary accommodation for Poole’s rough sleepers and they are being provided with food, medical support and 3 times daily contact.

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New audiences thanks to live streams

New audiences thanks to live streams

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

St Paul's in Salisbury is certainly learning on the road when it comes to the best way to live-stream.

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Making Positive Headlines

Making Positive Headlines

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

Our buildings may have closed, but our churches and their social media presence are making much more positive headlines.

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No priest doesn't mean no outreach

No priest doesn't mean no outreach

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

Being in an interregnum (and therefore without a parish priest) and having a congregation that isn't all tech-savvy, hasn't prevented one Wiltshire church harnessing new technology to reach out to their community - and it is working.

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Coronavirus doesn't stop vandalism

Coronavirus doesn't stop vandalism

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

A Dorset church has been vandalised just hours after the Prime Minister announced that the country was going into lockdown.

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Worship no matter what

Worship no matter what

by Michael Ford 27 March 2020

Despite having to close their doors, the 5 churches in Weymouth say they are not deterred, and have turned to a whole range of technology - old and new - to keep renewing hope and spreading a message of hope and God’s love.

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A Letter from Africa

A Letter from Africa

by Michael Ford 26 March 2020

The focus for many of us may well be how the coronavirus is affecting our families, friends and churches here in the UK, but the letter below, from Fred Taban in South Sudan, reminds us that we are fighting a common enemy.

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