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Renewing Hope

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Mar, 2020 11:33 PM

The virtual lockdown has affected communities across the Diocese, but clergy who minister to large multi-parish benefices are seeing first-hand how communities and villages are renewing hope through supporting one another at this time.

One such priest is the Revd Trudy Hobson, Team Rector of the ten churches in the Upper Wylye Valley Team:

“Many who live in our village are offering practical support with shopping, collecting prescriptions, and doing laundry.

“The Church across all 10 villages in the Upper Wylye Valley Team are working closely to support and help our community volunteers whilst also ensuring that people can continue to get the pastoral support that the Church has always offered.

“During this time, loneliness is going to be our great enemy. Loneliness is going to affect the mental health of many of our neighbours, young and old alike.

“We have many members in our church family who are making themselves available to be a friendly voice on the end of the phone to chat, to reassure and help reduce fear and anxiety of the coming months. For many in our parishes, this will be a huge help.

“But this is nothing new, the Church is as visible and hard-working as it has always been, offering support in times of trouble. We still offer a listening ear and space for people to talk through things. It’s just that we are not doing this face to face with a cuppa and cake at the moment. We are doing it over the phone.

“Church is changing, but we most certainly are not closed. When we pray we are connected to each other. Through prayer we know that we do not stand alone, but have the support of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and the strength and courage of God to endure the difficult months ahead.

“Yes, Church is changing, but in these times through our congregations and communities loving and caring for one another in so many different ways we are not so much ‘going’ to church but are rather ‘being’ church, renewing hope in our villages and towns in the diocese of Salisbury.”

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