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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
On the end of the line

On the end of the line

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

While the use of social media by our churches and their ministry teams has seen numbers engaging with worship, reflection and prayer increasing dramatically, for some of our community the internet is not a method of connection but something which other people do, or worse a source of frustration.

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A thriving Christian presence online

A thriving Christian presence online

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

As coronavirus leaves our church pews empty, Church has moved online and with it we are seeing numbers grow.

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Front Page News

Front Page News

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

From an online Chrism Eucharist to the front page of the Telegraph, our Bishops have led the Diocese through Easter under coronavirus.

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Celebrating Easter in Lockdown

Celebrating Easter in Lockdown

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Usually the challenge at Easter is finding sufficient clergy and ministers to take the well-attended and popular Easter Sunday services, but this year our churches faced a very different challenge - how to ensure Easter was observed and celebrated in a time of lockdown and closed churches.

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This virtual joyful Eastertide

This virtual joyful Eastertide

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

The choir of one Wiltshire church was determined not to let the lockdown stop them celebrating Easter in song together.

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"Today, we will do this at home"

"Today, we will do this at home"

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Over in the Chalke Valley, parishioners got an open letter from their ministry team.

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Stitching a new garment

Stitching a new garment

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

With lockdown extended for another month and all of us facing a long period of recovery, many are wondering when and if things will return to 'normal'.

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A Picture a Day for the Easter Season

A Picture a Day for the Easter Season

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

The Principal of Sarum College is using Twitter to "nourish the human spirit" during Eastertide.

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Alabaré joins the national 2.6 Challenge

Alabaré joins the national 2.6 Challenge

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Salisbury-based Christian charity Alabaré, struggling with raising funds due to the lockdown, has joined in with a national campaign to support non-profit organisations during the coronavirus outbreak.

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Fund gives over £150K to those in need

Fund gives over £150K to those in need

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

The Diocese has welcomed the news that the Dorset Coronavirus Community Fund, launched to support local charities and voluntary organisations, has distributed over £150,000 to some of the county’s most vulnerable people during the coronavirus pandemic.

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