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Home News Alabaré joins the national 2.6 Challenge

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Alabaré joins the national 2.6 Challenge

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Apr, 2020 05:38 PM

Salisbury-based Christian charity Alabaré, struggling with raising funds due to the lockdown, has joined in with a national campaign to support non-profit organisations during the coronavirus outbreak.

The charity, which supports homeless and vulnerable people, has been hugely impacted by the cancellation of its entire fundraising programme for the next 6 months due to the coronavirus outbreak.

In response, they have joined in with a nationwide campaign set up by the organisers of the biggest mass participation sports events across the country, in order to raise vital funds.

The campaign, The 2.6 Challenge, will launch on Sunday 26 April – what should have been the date of the 40th edition of the London Marathon, the world’s biggest one-day annual fundraising event, which raised £66.4 million for charities in 2019.

From Sunday 26 April, Alabaré is asking its supporters to come up with an activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise to help support their emergency Coronavirus Appeal.

The 2.6 Challenge is open to anyone of any age – the only requirement is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.

Rebecca Mullen, Alabaré’s Fundraising and Development Manager said;

“We have been severely financially impacted by the outbreak.

“At a time when we are spending money to save lives, we have had to postpone all our fundraising events for the next 6 months. We urgently need to raise additional funds and we hope the 2.6 Challenge will encourage our supporters to be creative and get behind our work.”

“The 2.6 Challenge can be anything that works for you,” says Nick Rusling, Co-Chair of the Mass Participation Sports Organisers group (MSO) and CEO of Human Race.

“You can run or walk 2.6 miles, 2.6km or for 26 minutes. You could do the same in your home or garden, go up and down the stairs 26 times, juggle for 2.6 minutes, do a 26 minute exercise class or get 26 people on a video call and do a 26 minute workout – anything you like.

We want people to get active, have fun and raise money to help Save the UK’s Charities by giving money or raising funds for the charity close to your heart.”

For more information on how you can support Alabaré in the 2.6 challenge, click here.

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