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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
A Christian Aid Week like no other

A Christian Aid Week like no other

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

This year’s Christian Aid Week (10-16 May) has been like none of the others before it.

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A Rector Recovers

A Rector Recovers

by Michael Ford 23 May 2020

As Shaftesbury Team Rector Helen Dawes recovers from suspected coronavirus, she has been interviewed by local media outlet ThisIsAlfred.

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Good news from the Okeford Benefice

Good news from the Okeford Benefice

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

As churches learn to 'broadcast' prayers and services, attendance is increasing in many cases, and so is regularity.

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Rogation 2020

Rogation 2020

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

Rogation is an ancient, annual 'asking of God' for His blessing on the seeds and the land for the farming year ahead.

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Chitterne's grand plant sale

Chitterne's grand plant sale

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

A village plant sale in Wiltshire has raised an impressive £1,000 for coronavirus relief.

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20 years helping the homeless

20 years helping the homeless

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

Andrew Lord, the Chief Executive of the South West based regional charity Alabaré, has marked his 20th year anniversary since his appointment to the role.

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by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

Teamwork takes on a whole new meaning in Wyke Regis, with one priest upcycling shopping bags as PPE* for another!

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Dorset fund raises £0.5m in 6 weeks

Dorset fund raises £0.5m in 6 weeks

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

Dorset Community Foundation has raised £500k in donations, issued £300k in grants, and supported 100 local projects in 6 weeks.

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Millions in funding available

Millions in funding available

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

Wiltshire Community Fund has compiled a new multi-million-pound list of funding opportunities and organisations offering support and advice at this challenging time.

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A multi-faith 'No' to fossil fuels

A multi-faith 'No' to fossil fuels

by Michael Ford 22 May 2020

On Monday 18th May 2020, a global coalition of 42 faith institutions divested from fossil fuels.

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