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by Michael Ford last modified 22 May, 2020 10:34 PM

Teamwork takes on a whole new meaning in Wyke Regis, with one priest upcycling shopping bags as PPE* for another!


Courtesy @AlasdairKay on Twitter

Rector Alasdair Kay has gained a new clerical outfit suitable for the times, featuring an apron made out of a recycled shopping bag.

He quipped on Twitter:

"When the Bishop of Sherborne interviewed me for the job of Rector at Wyke Regis Church, not sure either of us had this in mind for the shape of the priesthood today!

"Impressed we made bibs out of Sainsbury’s bags. Thank you, Revd Betty Port."

Joking aside, the new outfit enables vital work to be done. Br Alasdair says:

"The St Edmunds Foodbank has now entered its second month of operation since it was set up to feed people in the Wyke Parish and also those in nearby Westham.

"Donations have been very generous from both the public, the diocese, local council as well as local charities. These have come in on a Tuesday, the donations are then quarantined for 7 days, then washed, and finally sorted into food parcels.

"Each week, we see upwards of 50 people coming for food parcels. We are pleased that our 'no strings' approach has meant that people who fall through the cracks of the system can still obtain food and essential items. From this week, we are also able to issue anti-viral packs of washing powder, soap, liquid, bleach and anti-bacterial sprays, meaning families are able to keep the virus hopefully at bay.

"Huge thanks are due to all, especially the volunteers from Extinction Rebellion, Wyke Co-op and Morrison’s, who have been a real help in the project."

* PPE = Personal Protection Equipment

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