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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
George Floyd: the untold story

George Floyd: the untold story

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

Regular reader Lavender Buckland has sent in this piece about George Floyd's faith and commitment to mission, which has been overshadowed by his tragic death.

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The battle of the churches

The battle of the churches

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

Award-winning performance poet Jay Hulme posted a light-hearted Twitter competition to find "the finest non-cathedral Church of England church" last week, featuring 2 of our churches.

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Singing Out 30,000 Times

Singing Out 30,000 Times

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

A choir of young singers has been heard by an audience of 10,000s in spite of the lockdown, thanks to a new livestreaming service run by the Church of England.

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The Pope joins our Archbishops for Pentecost

The Pope joins our Archbishops for Pentecost

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

Pope Francis took part in an online church service alongside the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and a number of other senior UK church leaders this Sunday.

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Lifting the spirits this week

Lifting the spirits this week

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

Lockdown may be easing, but we still want to lift the spirits, so here are some more contributions to do just that.

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Lockdown Conversations

Lockdown Conversations

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

Plans for this year's popular Salisbury Conversations, where a panel discusses the important topics of our time, had to be curtailed due to the pandemic. But instead the Cathedral is offering online conversations.

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Public asked to name peregrine chicks

Public asked to name peregrine chicks

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

A recent ringing exercise of the peregrines at our Cathedral revealed 3 females and a male chick, and to mark the 800th Anniversary of the Cathedral (the first foundations stones were laid in 1220), the chicks have been named after people who had a big hand in the early life of Salisbury Cathedral.

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Well-known broadcaster joins Cathedral Chapter

Well-known broadcaster joins Cathedral Chapter

by Michael Ford 5 June 2020

The Revd Tim Daykin, the producer and presenter of religious programmes at BBC Radio Solent, has joined Salisbury Cathedral Chapter, the Cathedral’s governing body.

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Little People help with transition to Reception

Little People help with transition to Reception

by Emma Waters 5 June 2020

How little Peg people can help the newest students move up to 'big' school

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Together in Prayer

Together in Prayer

by Michael Ford 23 May 2020

As part of Thy Kingdom Come, the 10 day global wave of prayer starting May 21st, we are inviting you to pray together with the rest of the Diocese.

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