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Lifting the spirits this week

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Jun, 2020 02:12 PM

Lockdown may be easing, but we still want to lift the spirits, so here are some more contributions to do just that.

Lifting the spirits this week

Original photo courtesy @oxforddiocese on Twitter

Broadstone's June Webber sent in a poem, 'Wind and Fire', for Pentecost (read it here),

and the Revd Sue Hart from Warminster posted a different kind of poem for Pentecost on social media, referencing the disciples in the upper room and the tragedy of George Floyd.

Gillian Clarke, from West Moors in Dorset says:

"I thought you might enjoy the Lockdown Psalms, written by our daughter Catherine.

"They have brought a bit of light relief to a lot of people and created a bit of a diversion as people try a sing-along with different chants - the pointing brings out some of the words and phrases to particularly humorous effect!"

Professor Catherine Clarke is from the Institute of Historical Research, University of London.

1. I have dwelt long in the house of
lockdown: I have enclosed myself in the
habitation of Netflix and groaning.
2. They have set me my bounds which I
shall not pass: I keep the statutes and
observe the laws.
3. I entered into the supermarket, but it was
barren: its plenty was turned into empty
shelves, and there was no toilet paper in it.
4. Neither were there delivery slots by day
nor by night: verily, not even from Ocado.
5. [2nd part] Deliver us from the wilderness
of delivery: and deliver our deliveries unto
6. I am become a stranger unto the pub, and
unto the office: even an alien unto Pizza
7. The sun ariseth, and I go forth to work
and to my labour: even in my pyjamas until
the evening.
8. I am weary of Zoom, my throat is dry: it
melteth away like wax as my broadband


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