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Home News Little People help with transition to Reception

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Little People help with transition to Reception

by Emma Waters last modified 05 Jun, 2020 09:36 AM

How little Peg people can help the newest students move up to 'big' school

Little People help with transition to Reception

One of the little Peg people made by Reverend Eleanor

During a time when physical visits are not yet possible, Reverend Eleanor Rance and the schools in Tilshead and Shrewton have come up with a creative way to help pre-school aged children connect virtually with their new school before September.
In a great example of joined-up working between parish, school and homes, little peg dolls are being used to help create links in a project that is aimed at supporting transition into Reception.

Reverend Eleanor, the Rector of Salisbury Plain Benefice said,

“We've been trying to identify tangible ways to connect in the parish and we're very aware that the younger children are finding it way harder to connect virtually than the older ones.”

Each pre-school child joining in September is receiving a letter. In it Eleanor has written:

“Hello! My name is Reverend Eleanor. I work at the church in Shrewton, but I can often be found at school… I thought that in the next few weeks you might like to see a bit more about life at your new school. But right now, because you can’t come in very easily, I thought maybe you could create a ‘mini you’, to explore for you!”

 The letter goes on to explain how the children should decorate their little peg doll to create a mini version of themselves and to send it in to their school.

 “You may get to see them exploring the building, but you will DEFINITELY see them again when you join school in the Autumn. I very much look forward to seeing you then too. Have fun!”

 The ‘mini-me’ little people have been used in the church Family Service on Sunday in a virtual worship based around The Parable of The Lost Sheep. With a message to explain that ‘it doesn’t matter how far we go from home, or how carefully we have hidden away, God can always find us and bring us home.'

Lisa Meredith, Headteacher of St Thomas A Beckett, Tilshead said,

"We always look forward to meeting our new reception children  before they join us in the new year and are sad that this won’t be able to happen as usual this year.  We are excited to meet their ‘Mini Me’ dolls instead and explore our school with them.  It will be fantastic when we are able to reunite them in the autumn."

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