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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
The Great Sewing Bee

The Great Sewing Bee

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

Back in April we featured our Diocese's first-ever online licensing, when the the Revd Liz Howlett was licensed by Bishop Karen as an Associate Priest in the Bride Valley Benefice.

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Offering the experience of Community Life

Offering the experience of Community Life

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

If coming out of lockdown has made you yearn for a simpler, prayer-filled life, then Hilfield Friary may be the place for you.

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Eco Champions Meet

Eco Champions Meet

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

Last week, almost 50 Eco Champions from across our Diocese met on Zoom to hear from Bishop Nicholas and the Diocesan Environment Group about eco issues at national and Diocesan level, and what they can personally do to further our eco-progress as a Diocese.

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Shine So Bright

Shine So Bright

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

While the traditional leavers' services held every year at the Cathedral and Wimborne Minster can't go ahead as usual this year, this precious time for every school leaver will be celebrated virtually instead.

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Children's Church is positively changing the experience of lockdown

Children's Church is positively changing the experience of lockdown

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

Connecting with children and young people has always been a big part of our ministry here in the Diocese of Salisbury, and this has continued in a variety of innovative ways during the present crisis.

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Grief, Bereavement and Loss

Grief, Bereavement and Loss

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

Death is an unavoidable part of life - whatever else happens, one day we will die. But it’s not something we want to think about or dwell on.

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Black Lives Matter and monuments

Black Lives Matter and monuments

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

The Church of England’s Director of Cathedrals and Church Buildings has spoken to the Church Times about the issues around monuments raised by the Black Lives Matter movement.

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Supporting Good Mental Health

Supporting Good Mental Health

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

A series of reflections from the Church of England, aimed at supporting good mental health during the coronavirus pandemic, provides themes for the BBC Radio 4 Daily Service.

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Weddings in churches: an update from the Church of England

Weddings in churches: an update from the Church of England

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

The Church of England has issued the following statement with regard to church weddings.

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Reopening for Prayer is a Success

Reopening for Prayer is a Success

by Michael Ford 19 June 2020

The opening up of our Cathedral for private prayer saw them welcome 80 people in a steady stream between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm.

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