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Home News Weddings in churches: an update from the Church of England

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Weddings in churches: an update from the Church of England

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Jun, 2020 10:03 PM

The Church of England has issued the following statement with regard to church weddings.

With churches now beginning the process of reopening initially for individual private prayer and funerals, church weddings however are still not permitted at present under the Government’s restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

As we enter what would ordinarily be a peak time for weddings, we are conscious that for thousands of couples, the law preventing weddings from taking place in church at present has forced a postponement of their plans.

We are encouraging the government to ease their restrictions to allow small weddings once it is safe to do so, and in the meantime we are doing all that we can to help couples to rearrange their plans, and to refund fees in full or transfer them to a future date.

In all likelihood, when weddings are once again permitted by the Government to take place in church buildings, it will be with limited numbers present, and we recognise that this will present a difficult choice.

Whatever you decide to do, your vicar will do their best to accommodate your wishes - whether to go ahead or to reschedule until a time when more people can be present. You are assured of our prayers as you prepare to make these decisions.

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