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Grief, Bereavement and Loss

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Jun, 2020 10:09 PM

Death is an unavoidable part of life - whatever else happens, one day we will die. But it’s not something we want to think about or dwell on.

However, in these days of coronavirus, with news and media outlets regularly focussing on the number of deaths, we cannot avoid it. Many of us have a family member, friend, neighbour or work colleague who has been affected.

Our children are very aware of what is happening. Many are anxious, worried about family and friends, asking questions that are not easy to answer. They need us to be honest and appropriate in our responses, which means we need to face our own beliefs and questions, and sometimes admit that we don’t know the answers.

So, what might the Christian narrative teach us about death and hope?

As part of Faith at Home (click here), the National Church has produced a suite of resources to help families with grief, bereavement and loss, which can be accessed here.

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