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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Monuments and Memorials

Monuments and Memorials

by Michael Ford 10 July 2020

The Church of England has more than 16,000 churches and 42 cathedrals, almost all of which are home to memorials and monuments to individuals from a period spanning more than 1,000 years.

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Remembering Eileen

Remembering Eileen

by Michael Ford 10 July 2020

Funerals are now able to take place back inside our buildings where it is safe to do so, but for one Dorset Traveller, a graveside funeral was fitting.

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Salisbury Cathedral open to Visitors

Salisbury Cathedral open to Visitors

by Michael Ford 10 July 2020

Salisbury Cathedral opened to visitors on Wednesday with over 100 people, both local and from further afield, taking the opportunity to come in for the first time since lockdown.

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Emergency Appeal Launched

Emergency Appeal Launched

by Michael Ford 6 July 2020

"They would rather die of Covid-19 than hunger” is the really distressing plea delivered by Archbishop Ezekiel Kondo in Khartoum, Sudan.

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Welcome In

Welcome In

by Michael Ford 3 July 2020

Where it is safe and they are able, our churches are unlocking for worship, weddings and funerals.

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Unlocking our churches: only if you are able and it is safe to do so

Unlocking our churches: only if you are able and it is safe to do so

by Michael Ford 3 July 2020

"Proceed with caution: risk assessment, strict social distancing, restrained liturgy and an emphasis on safety."

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Prayerful simplicity

Prayerful simplicity

by Michael Ford 3 July 2020

Our churches have now been open for private prayer since 13th June, and across the Diocese many have taken advantage of this.

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They're here!

They're here!

by Michael Ford 3 July 2020

Last Sunday, 13 of our soon-to-be curates were licensed online as lay workers.

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Still Zooming

Still Zooming

by Michael Ford 3 July 2020

The changes in guidelines that will allow many of our churches to unlock doesn't mean our new ways of 'doing church' online will stop.

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Local Prayer Spaces

Local Prayer Spaces

by Michael Ford 3 July 2020

Prayer is at the centre of our Diocesan vision of Renewing Hope Pray Serve Grow, and our new Local Prayer Spaces allow people to both pray and enjoy the solitude and quiet of our churchyards.

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