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Local Prayer Spaces

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Jul, 2020 09:53 PM

Prayer is at the centre of our Diocesan vision of Renewing Hope Pray Serve Grow, and our new Local Prayer Spaces allow people to both pray and enjoy the solitude and quiet of our churchyards.

While many of our churches are unlocking and will be offering worship and private prayer inside the buildings, for others it simply will not be safe to do so.

So our Local Prayer Spaces can provide an alternative.

They can also serve as a compliment to prayer inside newly-unlocked buildings, as in the churchyard of Holy Cross Ramsbury where the local Prayer Space sign incorporates details of when the church is open for prayer as well.

(Our thanks to Churchwarden Paul Trickey for the photo.)

Have you set up a local prayer space? If so send a photo or a video and details of where you are offering space to pray, via .

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