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Welcome In

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Jul, 2020 10:12 PM

Where it is safe and they are able, our churches are unlocking for worship, weddings and funerals.

Following closely behind the unlocking for private prayer, for many it will be the first time they have been back in church for many months.

While for some, it will be the first time. Introduced to online worship during the lockdown, many of those in our new online congregations will now find a warm welcome waiting inside our buildings.

For multi-parish benefices, each church will pose its own problems in terms of how they can follow the guidelines on social distancing and cleaning, and in some cases it simply won't be safe to open up.

But where it is safe, our churches are opening their doors again and, in the far south west of our Diocese, the unlocking was an opportunity for a quick road trip.

You can join them and visit all the churches in the Golden Cap benefice, by viewing this video on YouTube.

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