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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Feeding the hungry

Feeding the hungry

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

Times are hard for many, but the Church is stepping up.

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Growing your own

Growing your own

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

A number of our parishes are not only growing in numbers and depth, but are growing their own produce, too.

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Swimming Again

Swimming Again

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

Our Aquadeacon Sue is back in the water.

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Learning and Growing during Coronavirus

Learning and Growing during Coronavirus

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

While lockdown closed our churches, their mission and ministry continued.

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'Do you have time to linger?'

'Do you have time to linger?'

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

A planned retreat at Hilfield Friary had to be cancelled, but resourceful members of our Diocese found a way around that, by making a short film instead.

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A celebratory chutney

A celebratory chutney

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

Salisbury Cathedral’s Refectory restaurant and shop are now open, and to celebrate there is a chance to taste a brand-new chutney, on sale in the shop to mark the Cathedral’s 800th Anniversary.

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On Air this Sunday

On Air this Sunday

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

At 8.00 am this Sunday (26 July) a service marking the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral will be transmitted across the BBC local radio network in England - 39 stations in all including BBC London digital.

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Bishop John Neale RIP

Bishop John Neale RIP

by Michael Ford 24 July 2020

Bishop John Neale, who was Bishop of Ramsbury 1974-88, died on July 17th 2020 aged 93.

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Strong support for new Farm Work Welfare App

Strong support for new Farm Work Welfare App

by Michael Ford 17 July 2020

Bishop Nicholas has welcomed a new phone app designed to help tackle labour exploitation and modern slavery in the farming, horticulture and food production sectors that is being launched by the Church of England’s modern slavery initiative.

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105 days later

105 days later

by Michael Ford 17 July 2020

Our churches are unlocking where they are able and where it is safe to do so, and for some that means the joy of gathering together. What's it like to be back?

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