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Swimming Again

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Jul, 2020 04:50 PM

Our Aquadeacon Sue is back in the water.

Swimming Again

Archdeacon Sue in training

Last year, after a hip replacement, the Archdeacon of Wilts, the Ven Sue Groom swam the equivalent of the English Channel to raise more than £14,00 for a spinal injury charity.

But lockdown meant her plans to swim 6.5km along the River Arun for the same charity had gotten into deep water.

But with the easing of restrictions, Archdeacon's Sue's training is back on.

She plans to swim the 6.5km - nearly 4 times the distance of her longest single swim in 2019 - in the River Arun on Sunday 20th September with support from Swimquest.

And as a warm up, our Aquadeacon will also be participating in the Henley Swim festival on Saturday 29th August.

Archdeacon Sue says:

"I want to continue raising money for this amazing charity, which supports people with spinal injuries. My training began in earnest in February with a week's intensive training on a swimming holiday in Lanzarote. It went on hold during the coronavirus lockdown from March to May but is now back on track."

Since mid-May, Archdeacon Sue has been making a 2-hour round trip to the swimming lake where she swims for 2 hours, 3 times a week.

"I got back into Lake 86 the day it opened. It’s taking rather more determination than simply walking over the green to the local pool each morning! Although the location is beautiful and the male swan chasing the Canada geese is entertaining, if you stay out of their way!"

You can support Aspire and Archdeacon's Sue's swim by going to her Just Giving Page here.

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