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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
New Director and Deputy Diocesan Secretary appointed

New Director and Deputy Diocesan Secretary appointed

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

The Diocese of Salisbury are delighted to announce the appointment of the Revd Canon Jonathan Triffitt to the post of Director of Mission and Ministry/ Deputy Diocesan Secretary.

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Just days to go - can you help?

Just days to go - can you help?

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

You only have a few days left to give to our Emergency Appeal and help us raise £50,000 for our brothers and sisters in the Sudans.

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Being Busy for the Future

Being Busy for the Future

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

As many of our churches are able to unlock again, we are looking beyond the present at how church might look in the future.

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Called during Covid

Called during Covid

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

Collaborative leadership is a key priority for our Diocese and that means lay and ordained sharing the load in pastoral care, community outreach and worship.

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Why I've missed going to church

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

With our churches open again, many are now able to do something they have been unable to do since March - go to church.

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Face masks and the Deaf

Face masks and the Deaf

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

Our thanks to our friends at Premier News for this article endorsed by our Chaplain to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Revd Neil Robinson.

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Good news: We’re open for business

Good news: We’re open for business

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

The Dorset Echo carried joyous news last Saturday - “St Mary’s Church, Weymouth, opens for Sunday services” and the headline mirrored the good news for churches across our Diocese who have been able to open under the present restrictions and social distancing rules.

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The Photography Competition is back again

The Photography Competition is back again

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

At Rural Hope, we’re once again launching our annual Photography Competition.

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Back on the Beat

Back on the Beat

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

Weymouth's Street Pastors are back on patrol.

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Making a difference with Funding

Making a difference with Funding

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

12 projects across the Diocese of Salisbury will be the recipients of the latest round of small grants from the Salisbury Diocesan Social Welfare Fund and the St Mary’s Fund.

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