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Called during Covid

by Michael Ford last modified 31 Jul, 2020 05:31 PM

Collaborative leadership is a key priority for our Diocese and that means lay and ordained sharing the load in pastoral care, community outreach and worship.

Many of those who worship in our churches offer their services as parish officers, but others feel called to ministry.

Becoming a priest isn't for everyone, but that doesn't mean that God hasn't called you to use your gifts in his service and in this Diocese we welcome all those who wish to serve as lay leaders.

There are many areas where you might feel called and you can find out more about them here/

And the present pandemic has stopped many people from training and serving their communities. Tina Edwards from the Benefice of Ludgershall and Tidworth is just one of our Licensed Lay Worship Leaders.

Tina joined the Stonehenge Deanery Lay Worship Leader Training, which was halfway through when lockdown occurred. But she, like the other trainees wanted to carry on and complete their training virtually, rather than putting it on hold.

Throughout the now-virtual course, trainees had opportunities to reflect and consider if God was calling them to ministry, and Tina felt very much called.

So she was commissioned in Holy Trinity Church Tidworth by Bishop Andrew on July 20th and, as our churches were able to unlock, the service, unlike the training, could take place in church.

The numbers in church were kept to a minimum and the service was livestreamed on the church’s Facebook page, which has so far had 219 views!

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