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Home News The Photography Competition is back again

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The Photography Competition is back again

by Michael Ford last modified 31 Jul, 2020 05:25 PM

At Rural Hope, we’re once again launching our annual Photography Competition.

This year the theme is ‘People who work in the Countryside’.

This could be anyone from your local vicar to farmers, country tradespeople, teachers, vets or district nurses. It’s up to you.

What better way to spend your staycation than getting out and about and taking some snaps?

Whilst we’re looking for as wide a variety of subjects as possible, please respect social distancing.

We’re not expecting close-ups!

The Photography Competition runs from 1 August to 31 October 2020. We’ll be holding a panel chaired by Bishop Andrew to pick the winners in November and then each chosen photo will feature for a month on the Diocesan website during 2021.

Please send your entries to Clare Phillips via ) or the simple-to-use file sharing site

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