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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
The Big Sleep at Home

The Big Sleep at Home

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

Christian charity Alabaré has launched their flagship event to mark World Homeless Day this year, and to raise vital funds and awareness. Traditionally held in Salisbury Cathedral cloisters and many other places across our Diocese, this year's event will be a bit different.

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New Rev for Routes to Roots

New Rev for Routes to Roots

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

Poole homeless charity Routes to Roots has appointed The Revd Andy Mason as Manager of its drop-in sessions.

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Hope in difficult times

Hope in difficult times

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

With many jobs lost or uncertain, and furlough funding coming to an end, many people need financial and practical help across our Diocese.

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Charity, Covid and Community

Charity, Covid and Community

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

A Christian Aid survey shows that the pandemic has inspired an increase in community spirit across the South West.

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Aquadeacon conquers the Arun

Aquadeacon conquers the Arun

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

Our intrepid Archdeacon of Wilts has completed her epic swim to raise money for a spinal injuries charity.

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Trusted Voices

Trusted Voices

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

In these changing times, public health information is often updated daily, and our Archdeacons and parishes work hard to keep people accurately informed. Partnerships with local government play a key role, as we seek to transform our communities and keep them safe.

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Better than baked beans

Better than baked beans

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

All of our parishes have links with their local schools, and many also seek to help disadvantaged families as part of bringing hope and transformation to their communities. Sometimes, there is an overlap between these 2 areas.

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Meet our new Priests for 2020

Meet our new Priests for 2020

by Michael Ford 24 September 2020

On Saturday 26th September, Bishop Karen and Bishop Andrew will ordain 7 Deacons from our Diocese as Priests, in 3 separate locations.

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Meet our new Deacons for 2020

Meet our new Deacons for 2020

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

On Saturday 26th September, 14 new deacons will be ordained by Bishop Nicholas in 2 groups of 7 in our Cathedral during services at 9.00am and 11.00am.

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Pause for Thought

Pause for Thought

by Michael Ford 18 September 2020

Since March, many things have changed across our Diocese, across the Church and across the world. As change continues, and Covid-19 practices develop, it can be helpful to take stock.

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