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Home News The Big Sleep at Home

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The Big Sleep at Home

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2020 10:32 PM

Christian charity Alabaré has launched their flagship event to mark World Homeless Day this year, and to raise vital funds and awareness. Traditionally held in Salisbury Cathedral cloisters and many other places across our Diocese, this year's event will be a bit different.

On Friday 9th October, Alabaré invites those of us who want to take a stand against homelessness to swap our beds for a sleeping bag for one night, to mark World Homeless Day (Saturday 10th October) and raise vital funds and awareness of Alabaré’s work with homeless and vulnerable people.

The charity says:

"Why not camp overnight in your garden or swap your comfy bed for a sleeping bag in your house? However you choose to get involved, by taking part in The Big Sleep at Home you will be raising vital funds and awareness for Alabaré's work with homeless and vulnerable people.

"How to get involved:

  1. Sign up - let us know you're taking part by signing up using the free registration form below. We'll send you an email with more information about the event and how you can kick start your fundraising.
  2. Start fundraising - set up your fundraising page by going to JustGiving. Start collecting your sponsorship by sending your page to your friends and family and posting on your social media using the #TheBigSleepAtHome.
  3. Take part - On Friday 9th October, take part by swapping your bed for a sleeping bag for one night. On the night we will be posting live on social media. We will also share more information with participants about homelessness in your local area and how you are making a difference.

"How your support will make a difference:
By taking part in The Big Sleep at Home and fundraising for Alabaré, you will be supporting homeless and vulnerable people affected by the ongoing impact of Coronavirus.

"The UK saw a 69% increase of people claiming unemployment benefits in the UK in April. (Office for National Statistics)
Citizen’s Advice calculated that up to 2.6 million private renters may have missed or expected to miss a rent payment in April 2020.
Covid-19 has presented enormous challenges to our work with homeless and vulnerable people, and has forced us to postpone all our fundraising events at a time where we need to spend more money to save lives. We are acutely aware that the mid to long term impact of the Covid lockdown is still not known. Without swift action we could see an impending crisis in the private rental sector as well as an increase in unemployment and mental ill health risk seeing a surge in homelessness in the coming months.

"As such, it is more important than ever that Alabaré is able to continue its work ensuring there is a safe home and support to build a new start for those so critically affected by the lockdown.

"After you’ve paid your fundraising money in, we’ll be in touch to tell you how your fundraising has helped transform lives."

You can sign up here.

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