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Trusted Voices

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2020 10:31 PM

In these changing times, public health information is often updated daily, and our Archdeacons and parishes work hard to keep people accurately informed. Partnerships with local government play a key role, as we seek to transform our communities and keep them safe.

Public Health Dorset - the local public health team at Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Councils - is building a network of people to help develop and share important Covid-19 messages in their communities.

Health Programme Advisor Naomi Mason says:

"One of our main responsibilities is to keep people informed about what they need to do to protect themselves and others from coronavirus.

"Understanding the Covid-19 guidance isn’t always easy and for some people it can be a real challenge. In our communities, we know that lots of factors like language, sensory or cognitive impairment and access to the internet can have an impact on this. That’s why we want to develop a network of people who know their communities really well, and who we can work with to increase everyone’s understanding of what we all need to do.

"A Trusted Voice could be a community leader, an advocate or supporter of a particular group, a leader in a workplace or voluntary setting, or a representative of a community – you are receiving this email because we think this could be you or someone you work with.
"As well as keeping people informed about what they need to do now, the Trusted Voices project will also help us reach everyone in our communities as quickly as possible in the event of an outbreak or local measures being introduced.

"We’ll provide the key points in our regular e-newsletter and we ask that you share these in whichever way works best for you and the groups you’re involved with, it might be WhatsApp, email, Facebook or posters in public areas.

"We are committed to working with you to better understand the needs and concerns of your community and to develop the most effective communications resources and channels, so if you feel there are some resources that would be particularly useful for your community, please let us know.

"Please visit our website to find out how to sign up to the newsletter. You’ll need to select 'Covid-19 Trusted Voices' from the list."

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