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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Love thy Neighbour

Love thy Neighbour

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

As Christians, we are called to love our neighbour. What could that look like in these pandemic times?

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Funding a better future

Funding a better future

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

Hilfield Friary, Dorset's Franciscan Community has been offered a Countryside Stewardship agreement that will guide and fund lots of exciting conservation work around the Friary over the next 10 years.

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'An opportunity to grow'

'An opportunity to grow'

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

Many parishes have turned to online worship during this run of lockdowns, gaining new skills and confidence, and even new audiences, in the process.

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Please keep ON the grass

Please keep ON the grass

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

Our ever-resourceful parishes, aware of our commitment of being Net Zero by 2030 to address the Climate Crisis, are finding sustainable ways forward, and some are providing entertainment value.

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Live Lent- God's Story, Our Story

Live Lent- God's Story, Our Story

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

Building on the success of last year’s #LiveLent: Care for God’s Creation, the 2021 Lent resources from the Church of England will again mirror the theme of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book, creating a significant shared focus for the whole Church at a key time of year for people’s discipleship and learning in the faith.

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Climate Sunday 2021

Climate Sunday 2021

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

As an officially-recognised Eco Diocese, we are already taking a lead in combatting the Climate Crisis, and there are some key events and seasons coming up this year.

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Bats in Churches

Bats in Churches

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

The Bats in Churches project is running a range of free online training events, with advice and resources.

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A shot in the arm

A shot in the arm

by Michael Ford 22 January 2021

On Saturday 16th January, Salisbury Cathedral opened its doors as a venue for the Sarum South Primary Care Network Covid-19 Local Vaccination Service.

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The Revd Joanna Jepson appointed Alabaré Patron

The Revd Joanna Jepson appointed Alabaré Patron

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

Alabaré Christian Care & Support is delighted to welcome the Revd Joanna Jepson as its new Patron. Joanna is an Anglican priest, author, broadcaster, coach and Army chaplain.

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Standing with the disabled

Standing with the disabled

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

In this Diocese, many parishes support and care for vulnerable children and adults, making special provisions as an act of love and service. And sometimes they take action on their behalf.

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