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Home News Climate Sunday 2021

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Climate Sunday 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Jan, 2021 09:24 PM

As an officially-recognised Eco Diocese, we are already taking a lead in combatting the Climate Crisis, and there are some key events and seasons coming up this year.

So what is Climate Sunday?

The initiative is calling on all local churches across Britain and Ireland to hold a climate-focussed service on any Sunday before 5th September 2021, ahead of November's international COP26* conference.

COP26 will be the first such conference to take place after the 2015 Paris Agreement's measures take effect, and the first opportunity since then for nations to come together to review their progress.

Parishes are encouraged to make a commitment to greater action to address climate change in each place of worship and community, and send a clear message to politicians: 'we want a cleaner, greener, fairer future'.

A selection of service materials and themed resources is available for all denominations and traditions on a new website,

Climate Sunday 2021 background graphic

The Climate Sunday team says:

"Our vision is to leave a lasting legacy of 1000s of UK churches better equipped to address this critical issue as part of their normal discipleship and mission; and to make a very significant contribution to civil society efforts to secure adequate national and international action at the start of this most critical decade.​

"Hold a climate-focused service, to explore the theological and scientific basis of creation care and action on climate, to pray, and to commit to action."

Resources available via include Service Plans, Sermons, Music & Hymns, Prayers, Readings, and Young People.

*COP26 is the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, scheduled to be held at the SEC in Glasgow from 1st to 12th November 2021. The UK is presiding, the year after the Government declared 2020 a 'Year of Climate Action'.

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