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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Two Thriving Academies

Two Thriving Academies

by glynch 16 October 2017

Archdeacon of Wilts sees two thriving Devizes primaries in action

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After Abuse

After Abuse

by glynch 12 October 2017

New Church document looks at Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Abuse

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Service and God

Service and God

by glynch 11 October 2017

New British Legion branch to serve Wilts town

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Learning for Everyone

Learning for Everyone

by glynch 9 October 2017

Relaunched Aldhelm Certificate course helps all Christians learn more about their faith

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God’s Creation Under Threat

God’s Creation Under Threat

by glynch 9 October 2017

Anglican Primates from three continents bring climate change chaos to top table of discussion

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Good News for Southbroom St James

Good News for Southbroom St James

by glynch 5 October 2017

Wilts school gets positive progress report

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New Lay Ministers Licensed and Admitted

New Lay Ministers Licensed and Admitted

by glynch 3 October 2017

Lay ministries started and renewed at Cathedral service

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New Talents from New Canons

New Talents from New Canons

by glynch 28 September 2017

Three new non-residentiary cathedral canons from Diocese to be installed at October evensong

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Pray for the Primates

Pray for the Primates

by glynch 28 September 2017

Archbishop Justin calls for prayers as world's Anglican leaders gather in Canterbury

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Christians Threatened by Climate Change

Christians Threatened by Climate Change

by glynch 27 September 2017

Pacific Anglican Primate teams up with South Coast uni for action on climate change

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