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Learning for Everyone

by glynch last modified 09 Oct, 2017 04:38 PM

Relaunched Aldhelm Certificate course helps all Christians learn more about their faith

Learning for Everyone

Bishop Karen with those newsly awarded the Aldhelm Certificate

A Diocesan course helping lay Christians reflect on and learn about the fundamental questions facing them has been relaunched.

The Aldhelm Certificate: Faith in God’s World is aimed at lay Christians who might not have any theological education, but have a passion for learning more about their faith. It has helped dozens of people across the Diocese, since being created by the Revd Dr Stella Wood in 2012. It is noted for the quality of its content, and the experience it provides of exploring faith with others.

The Aldhelm Certificate was recently re-launched at a service at St Barnabas Church, Bearwood, where participants of the most recent course received their certificates.

“It was both a joy and a privilege to tutor our group over 30 weeks”, said the Revd Cecil Clark, tutor of the most recent course.

“The course covered a wide spectrum of our faith, creating thought provoking and challenging subjects for discussion.

“Each week there was a real sense of enjoyment within the group as they tackled each session and came to an understanding of the subject in question. The overall effect of the course has been to deepen their knowledge and faith in Christ Jesus”

Bishop Karen, who presented the certificates said, “The Aldhelm Certificate  offers an opportunity for individuals to grow in faith and knowledge with others in a local context.

“Learning together in this way gives people a wider understanding of the Bible and Christianity which in turn helps them gain greater confidence in being disciples of Jesus Christ in the 21st century. I would warmly commend this course’.

One of the course participants was Matth Smith, a worshipper at St Barnabas, who added, “The Aldhelm Certificate course enabled me to think and to consider issues of faith and ethics at a deeper level, which for me has brought about a greater acceptance and understanding of other worldviews, whilst at the same time helping me to know where my own beliefs lie’

“When I started the course I felt a little out of my depth, being a plumber I know plenty about boilers and ballcocks but I don’t think I had fully grasped where my beliefs and understanding of the Christian faith sat.

“I hope that re-launching the course will encourage many other folk to stretch and to challenge their understanding and to cause their faith to grow, as mine has.”

Anne Clark, another certificate winner, found the course challenging but rewarding. “What I enjoyed the most was being able to talk over things I might have thought of but never had the chance to discuss before”, she said.

If you would like to know more about participating in the Certificate, or being a tutor, visit the Aldhelm Certificate page of the Diocesan website or call the Learning for Discipleship team on 01722 411944.

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