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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Standing Together: Christian Aid streamlines for greater impact

Standing Together: Christian Aid streamlines for greater impact

by Michael Ford 13 December 2019

Christian Aid has written to its supporters in this Diocese to tell us about plans to streamline their work in the light of falling revenue.

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A Big Christingle Thank You

A Big Christingle Thank You

by Michael Ford 6 December 2019

Children's Society volunteers and supporters from across our Diocese have received a very special thank you from the Christian charity.

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A sleepover starts a Safe Sleep

A sleepover starts a Safe Sleep

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

A special sleepover for church leaders and clergy marked the start of the 2019 Safe Sleep campaign.

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Archdeacon finishes her "channel swim"

Archdeacon finishes her "channel swim"

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

The Archdeacon of Wilts has completed her "channel swim" and is still raising money for spinal cord injuries.

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Tackling Inequality in Dorset

Tackling Inequality in Dorset

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

Equality champion Wanda Wyporska has delivered a rousing call to activists concerned about inequality in Dorset.

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This Christmas, the most precious thing we can give is Hope

This Christmas, the most precious thing we can give is Hope

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

'Help give women around the world the gift of new life this Christmas', says Bishop Karen.

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Christian Aid demands candidates put the climate first

Christian Aid demands candidates put the climate first

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

Christian Aid has launched its election manifesto, demanding politicians take urgent action to tackle climate and economic injustice and to build peace, helping end poverty and create a fair and sustainable world, ahead of the forthcoming UK General Election on 12 December.

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Key Questions and Top Tips for Fairtrade

Key Questions and Top Tips for Fairtrade

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

Fairtrade is asking its supporters to raise Fairtrade issues with candidates in the run up to the General Election.

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Advent Reflections

Advent Reflections

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

A Dorset team of churches has launched a series of daily Advent reflections.

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Following the Star

Following the Star

by Michael Ford 5 December 2019

Many of our Churches are 'Following the Star' again this year.

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