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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

We have had a wonderful response to the poems and thoughts for the day that we were sent last week.

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Our foodbanks need Food

Our foodbanks need Food

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

An appeal for food as our foodbanks struggle with unprecedented demand.

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Urgent Appeal

Urgent Appeal

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Urgent appeal launched to support the homeless during the coronavirus outbreak.

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Family isolation, Pilsdon-style

Family isolation, Pilsdon-style

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Self-isolation with your family has a different feel at the Pilsdon Community near Bridport in Dorset.

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Light a candle for Hope every Sunday

Light a candle for Hope every Sunday

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.' John 1:5

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Make Space

Make Space

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

A former mental health nurse who is now a Weymouth priest has stressed how important wellbeing will be in the weeks ahead.

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Prayer Diary for Weymouth

Prayer Diary for Weymouth

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Prayer has become a very important part of our outreach admist the coronavirus and over in Weymouth local churches are encouraging the whole community to get involved.

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Numbers are up

Numbers are up

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Online services are engaging new worshippers - that was the message from Sarum College's Director of Contextual Learning.

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Our bells fall silent

Our bells fall silent

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Among the activities curtailed by coronavirus is bellringing. Many in our communities have contacted us to say they miss the sound of the bells and the knowledge that they are calling the faithful to worship.

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Ride+Stride funding and trophy not stopped by coronavirus

Ride+Stride funding and trophy not stopped by coronavirus

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Over £84,000 was raised for Dorset’s historic churches in the 2019 annual Ride+Stride and Dorset Historic Churches Trust has promised over £106,000 in grants for restoration projects as a result.

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