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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
A Different Kind of Holy Week and Easter

A Different Kind of Holy Week and Easter

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Bishop Nicholas has said that, while this Holy Week and Easter will be very different from those we are used to, "God is everywhere so we can be with God anywhere."

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Maundy Thursday Nominees get their coins in the post

Maundy Thursday Nominees get their coins in the post

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Coronavirus has prevented our Maundy Money nominees from receiving their gift in person from Her Majesty The Queen.

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Bags of Hope

Bags of Hope

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

A Dorset mum and daughter are creating 'Bags of Hope' for those struggling with debt this Easter.

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Boxes of Love

Boxes of Love

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

The community team at St Paul’s Church in Salisbury is working to support some of the most needy and vulnerable families in the city during the coronavirus outbreak.

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Everyday Faith during coronavirus

Everyday Faith during coronavirus

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Everyday Faith is the Church of England’s campaign that aims to help people live out their Christian faith wherever they may be, emphasising how much even the smallest and most routine aspects of our working lives – both paid and unpaid - matter to God and make a difference to others.

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New mental health support on offer from local Christian charity

New mental health support on offer from local Christian charity

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

A new support service for those struggling with their emotional or mental wellbeing has been launched in Salisbury by local charity Alabaré.

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Putting a little bit away

Putting a little bit away

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Lent traditionally has been a time where churches have held lunches with the proceeds going to charity, particularly Christian Aid.

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Shining Star

Shining Star

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Blandford Church is using a shining star as a message of Renewing Hope during the coronavirus.

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Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

We are still receiving some wonderful poems and prose to lift our spirits.

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Palm Sunday inventive and popular

Palm Sunday inventive and popular

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

With coronavirus restrictions in place, Palm Sunday was still celebrated across our Diocese in the most inventive ways.

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