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Home News Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

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Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2020 07:13 AM

We are still receiving some wonderful poems and prose to lift our spirits.

Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

Original photo courtesy @oxforddiocese on Twitter

David Durston tells us that The George Herbert in Bemerton Group website puts up a poem with a commentary each quarter. The new poem put up on 1 April is 'Sepulchre' - which David says a very appropriate poem to read in the evening of Good Friday and on Holy Saturday.

Jonathan Plows, priest in charge of the Wylye and Till Valley Benefice, recently held a Quiet Day at Home (see story here). The theme was 'Thin Places', and so he has submitted a poem of the same name by Jenny Bridgman. He says:

“'Thin Places' ends in a verse that sums up both life in general and the unprecedented times we are experiencing."

Alan Amos has also contributed some more poems.

Read the above poems here.

Bob Kenway emailed us from Calne and Blackland to say:

"One of the things people have said they are missed locally is the sound of bells. As bell ringers aren’t ringing in church towers at the moment I thought you might be able to use the attached picture poem that I wrote for an Eastertide Deanery ringers’ service a few years back."

Click here for 'The Omega Bell: toll and carol'.

The Revd Kirsty Clarke, Team Vicar in the Shaftesbury Team Ministry has put together a collection of her own poems based on the Stations of the Cross for personal use during Holy Week.

Read them here.

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