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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
#LookCloser awareness campaign from The Children’s Society

#LookCloser awareness campaign from The Children’s Society

by Michael Ford 9 March 2022

#LookCloser is a partnership campaign between The Children’s Society, the National County Lines Co-ordination Centre and the British Transport Police aiming to raise awareness of child exploitation and abuse, with a particular focus on public spaces.

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Chorister scholarships for ten youngsters

Chorister scholarships for ten youngsters

by Michael Ford 9 March 2022

Ten gifted boys and girls have gained places in Salisbury Cathedral’s renowned Choir following Voice Trials held in January and February this year and will receive chorister scholarships to Salisbury Cathedral School.

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Pancake racing raises Minster funds

Pancake racing raises Minster funds

by Michael Ford 9 March 2022

Weather stopped Wimborne Minster's traditional pancake race from taking place outside... but that didn't stop it completely.

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Devizes Church wins Eco Church bronze award

Devizes Church wins Eco Church bronze award

by Michael Ford 9 March 2022

St John with St Mary, Devizes has won the Eco Church Bronze award from environmental charity A Rocha, which is given to churches which can demonstrate that they are caring for God’s earth in different areas of their life and work.

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Celebrating the work of Mothers' Union

Celebrating the work of Mothers' Union

by Michael Ford 9 March 2022

Sandra Gamble took over presidency of Mothers' Union in Salisbury Diocese at the beginning of the year. This week, as we have celebrated International Women's Day, it seems apt to hear all about Sandra's role, and the important work of Mothers' Union, one of the world's first female-founded organisations.

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Creation Care - Praying for God’s earth

Creation Care - Praying for God’s earth

by Michael Ford 9 March 2022

The Revd Rosie Ward has written the third in a series from the Diocesan Environment Group about caring for God’s wonderful creation.

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USPG and the Church of England Diocese in Europe joint Ukraine emergency appeal

USPG and the Church of England Diocese in Europe joint Ukraine emergency appeal

by Michael Ford 9 March 2022

We have seen people up and down the country rally together for Ukraine, with prayer vigils, fundraisers, and collections. Whilst people have been incredibly generous in purchasing emergency supplies, the best way to help practically is to donate money, as there have been issues with getting supplies to their destination.

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How QR codes helped repair our wall

How QR codes helped repair our wall

by Michael Ford 4 March 2022

In 2021 Sixpenny Handley PCC faced the problem of a crumbling church wall, desperately in need of repair. The wall runs along a footpath popular with dog walkers and villagers, and the Reverend Richard Hancock had an idea to ask for donations as people walked by.

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Take part in International Women's Day

Take part in International Women's Day

by Michael Ford 2 March 2022

Tuesday 8 March is International Women’s Day, which is celebrated every year around the world in order to commemorate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

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Support your church with a monthly donation

Support your church with a monthly donation

by Michael Ford 2 March 2022

Over the last two years, with many of our fundraising events cancelled, donations given to church by standing order and Direct Debit proved to be a lifeline.

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