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Celebrating the work of Mothers' Union

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Mar, 2022 05:43 PM

Sandra Gamble took over presidency of Mothers' Union in Salisbury Diocese at the beginning of the year. This week, as we have celebrated International Women's Day, it seems apt to hear all about Sandra's role, and the important work of Mothers' Union, one of the world's first female-founded organisations.

For Sandra, stepping up as president was a natural next step, both because she has a legal background, and because she has been a trustee for nine years. She also had previous experience on the board with a range of governance topics. It has been a busy transition for the group, as they adjust to new leadership, and join with the global movement in thinking about "reimagining Mothers' Union". Their Community Development Coordinator has also just moved on. 
None of this seems to have deterred them from their projects however, and Sandra speaks knowledgably and passionately about all of them: 
"Our projects are very much rooted in a voluntary ethos, and our activities are driven by our own membership and people's needs. We're in the community, working in line with our aim to promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children, and help those whose family life has met with adversity" 
"We have for example, the virtual baby life skills project. This is aimed to help prepare young people who are 13 or above, often from deprived areas, for some of the important demands of family life. It's a learning programme which uses the experience of caring for a virtual baby to help prepare for the journey to adult life. We go into school, we focus on the issue of parenting and pregnancy but also on many wider social issues - stress management coping mechanisms, healthy relationships, self awareness and confidence."  

"AIFA, or Away From It All, is another project of ours. We have a six-man mobile home in Poole, to provide holidays for families in need. It's to give those experiencing pressures of the day-to-day life a break."  

Sandra also highlighted 16 Days of Activism, a campaign to raise awareness of the repressive issue of gender based violence, which the Mothers' Union mark in partnership with Salisbury Cathedral, hosting a special Eucharist. Furthermore, there is the Angel Tree project, which enables children who have a parent in prison to receive a Christmas present from them.  

The list of work the group does was extensive, and Sandra was personally invested in, and enthusiastic about, each project – clearly driven by her faith and desire to serve others. Speaking about the importance of prayer, she said: 

"Prayer is very much at the heart of the Union. And as members we maintain a constant chain of intercession across our global membership"  

The Mothers' Union is a worldwide Christian organisation of 4 million members in 84 countries, and is one of the world's first female-led organisations. Find out more here. 

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