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Home News Take part in International Women's Day

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Take part in International Women's Day

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Mar, 2022 04:24 PM

Tuesday 8 March is International Women’s Day, which is celebrated every year around the world in order to commemorate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

It also serves to raise awareness of issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights and violence and abuse against women. Naturally, it is a good time to focus on fundraising for female-focussed charities. 

This year’s theme is #BreakTheBias - whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. This is an important theme, because knowing that bias exists isn't enough – now is the time for action in order to level the playing field. 

International Women's Day feels especially poignant this year, as our screens are full of pictures of mothers in Ukraine doing their utmost to protect their children, whilst other women are arming themselves on the front line. 

Furthermore, only last summer we saw the Taliban sweep into power in Afghanistan and impose strict rules on daily life, many of them against women. These restrictions include: 

  • Girls having been banned from receiving secondary education 

  • the ministry for women's affairs having been disbanded 

  • women have not being allowed to work. 

As we mark International Women's Day, Canon Jane Curtis, Dean of Women's Ministry, points us to a woman she holds in great esteem, the Revd Florence Li Tim-Oi, and a charity in her name: 

"Florence Li Tim-Oi (5 May 1907 – 26 February 1992) was the first woman to be ordained to the priesthood in the Anglican Communion. This happened on 25 January 1944 in Macau. When Li Tim-Oi wanted to study for the ministry, her family could not afford the cost of the course at Union Theological College in Guangzhou [then Canton]. Others provided the resources for her to do so. The Li Tim-Oi Foundation, established in her memory, exists to equip Christian women as agents of change. It provides grants to candidates in the Two-Thirds World to train for ministry and vocational work in their community. The stories of these Daughters of Li Tim-Oi are an inspiration globally and can be read hereDonations and legacies are sought to enable this work to continue. Perhaps you can support the future Daughters of Li Tim-Oi as part of your celebration of International Women's Day?" 

Let us know how your church marked the day .

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