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Home News Tributes pour in for Bishop Nicholas

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Tributes pour in for Bishop Nicholas

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Feb, 2021 08:47 PM

Bishop Nicholas has announced he will retire on 3rd July 2021, a month short of his 67th birthday. He will have been Bishop of Salisbury for 10 years.

His official announcement is here.

Colleagues were quick to respond, with our Bishops Karen and Andrew and Diocesan Secretary David Pain thanking Bishop Nicholas on behalf of the Diocese, as posted here.

Shortly afterwards, our Diocesan Director of Education added her appreciation, along with the Dean of Salisbury and Chairs of Diocesan Synod and our Board of Finance, as here.

There were many tributes on social media, such as:

We are all the beneficiaries of Bishop Nicholas’s leadership – especially his Christ-centred vision for the Church’s role in tackling the climate crisis. I give thanks for the legacy he leaves and pray for him as he prepares for this transition.
-Archbishop Justin Welby,
via Twitter

Giving thanks today for Bishop Nick and his exceptional contribution to the Church’s environmental work, especially on climate change - locally, nationally and globally.
-First Church Estates Commissioner Loretta Minghella
, via Twitter

As the Sudans Partnership Committee we are enormously thankful for the Bishop’s unfailing support and commitment to our work through all the changes that our relationship with Sudans has challenged, tested and brought us great joy too. Throughout his time leading our diocese, he has worked assiduously to maintain very good working relationships with the two primates Abps Ezekiel Kondo and Justin Badi which we continue to enjoy today. Mrs Helen Holtam’s enthusiasm for our Medical Link and especially organizing and hosting the annual Garden Fete at South Canonry has kept this work in the forefront of our Sudans Partnership and our Diocese. We hold Bishop Nicholas, Mrs Helen Holtam and the people of the Sudan and South Sudan in our prayers.
-Canon Ian Woodward,
via Facebook

Bishop Nick's appointment was an absolute blessing for our city*. It is sad to hear that he will go into his deserved retirement. He leaves huge boots to be filled by his predecessor.
-Ute Schwarting,
via Facebook

*and for our diocese.
-John Trefor Williams, in reply

With thanks to God for Nick’s fruitful ministry @DioSalisbury and prayers for him and Helen in retirement.
-Former Bishop of Sherborne Graham Kings,
via Twitter

Our Chaplain to the Deaf Community Neil Robinson also gave a heartfelt tribute in BSL (British Sign Language), speaking of the Bishop's welcome, wisdom and humour. Watch the short YouTube clip here.

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