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Home News Senior Diocesan leaders praise Bishop Nicholas' contribution as he announces his retirement

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Senior Diocesan leaders praise Bishop Nicholas' contribution as he announces his retirement

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Feb, 2021 07:39 PM

Bishops Karen and Andrew and our Diocesan Secretary have praised the contribution of Bishop Nicholas to the life and vision of the Diocese as he announced his retirement as Bishop of Salisbury.

Read the Bishop’s statement here.

Bishop Karen, who will be the acting Bishop of Salisbury during the vacancy, spoke on behalf of the Diocese, saying:

“Bishop Nicholas has brought a rich and wise attentiveness to the Diocese of Salisbury over the last 10 years for which we are extremely grateful. His vision to renew hope has led to a sharing of his interests in the environment, inclusion, and the arts with us all.

“Nick is held in high regard across the Church of England and his national roles have informed us locally. His thoughtful faith continues to inspire people across Wiltshire, Dorset and beyond and his deep commitment to us all and the local church has enabled the Diocese to remain resilient in spirit during challenging times.

“Helen has had her own ministry which has also been much appreciated with many enjoying her warm hospitality, care, origami and baking. We are pleased to have them with us for a little while longer and shall miss both of them very much, wishing them a very happy retirement in July.”

Bishop Andrew said:

"Bishop Nicholas has led the Diocese of Salisbury with wisdom and unstinting devotion. The news of his forthcoming retirement will be greeted with sadness yet also much gratitude - for his deep confidence in the local church and the Godliness and generosity of his vision. He and Helen will be greatly missed.

“I look forward to working with Bishop Karen - and the Dean, Diocesan Secretary and Archdeacons - to renew hope at a time of unprecedented transition. Our Lord is near."

Diocesan Secretary David Pain added:

“Bishop Nicholas has been an inspiration and encouragement to many, within and beyond the church. I have experienced him as able to both affirm what is good in all that we inherit and at the same time envision and encourage change where it is needed.

“His vision for ‘Renewing Hope’ has shaped the Diocese and is as relevant now as ever. In a fast-changing context his belief that the local church is the place where the Church of England is at its best will continue to be important as we all seek to respond to God’s calling on our lives. Nationally, in church and parliament, he has been a great advocate for climate justice as well as a champion for inclusion which will remain fundamental to our shared future. His wisdom in these and many other areas will be greatly missed.

“People across the Diocese will want, I am sure, to unite in wishing him and Helen every happiness as they prepare for retirement.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, today thanked Bishop Nicholas for his work leading the Church of England’s Environment programme, saying:

“During Bishop Nick’s tenure as lead bishop for the environment, his moral clarity and Christ-centred vision for the Church’s role in tackling the climate crisis have shown themselves time and time again. We are all the beneficiaries of his leadership, and I give thanks for the legacy he leaves: from the Church’s first ever Green Lent campaign, to initiatives aimed at helping parishes reduce their carbon footprint. Most enduringly, I hope, we have Bishop Nick to thank for a landmark General Synod motion in 2020 setting a target of net zero across the whole Church by 2030.

“I am deeply grateful to him for his tireless work and colleagueship as a fellow bishop, and for leading the Church’s Environment Programme through a time of enormous growth. Both he and his family will be much in my prayers as he prepares for the next stage of his ministry, as will everyone in the Diocese of Salisbury as they prepare to say farewell to Nick and Helen in the summer.”

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