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'We give thanks for his wise support'

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Feb, 2021 08:06 PM

More tributes and praise have been coming in for Bishop Nicholas as the announcement of his retirement in July sinks in.

'We give thanks for his wise support'

Clockwise: Joy Tubbs with Bishop Nicholas, Gillian Clarke, Dean Nicholas, Lydia Cook, Nigel Salisbury

The Revd Lydia Cooke, Chair of our Diocesan Synod’s House of Clergy said:

“On behalf on the clergy of the Diocese I wish Bishop Nicholas and Helen all the very best in retirement. When Bishop Nick stood in front of us at Bryanston School on our clergy day as a newly-minted Bishop, there was sustained and heartfelt applause. I think now, after his 10 years of leadership, there would be equally as heartfelt and sustained applause.

“Bishop Nick has challenged, inspired, encouraged, and sometimes insisted, but always with humility, prayerfulness and wisdom. We may not have been transformed as a Diocese, but we have been changed, and that has been due to Bishop Nick’s leadership. Just as he has many times blessed us, we now bless him as he heads to retirement.”

And Gillian Clarke, Chair of the House of Laity said:

“It is with sadness that we learn of Bishop Nicholas's forthcoming retirement. But it is also a time to celebrate and give thanks for all that he has brought to us over the last decade.

“He has been, and is, a great bishop. From the very beginning with his Let's Talk initiative, he has been approachable, he has listened, he has brought vision and wisdom and he has been an inspirational spiritual guide and leader. I have valued his collaborative support, his thoughtfulness and his visible presence throughout our diocese, in local communities and churches.

“As we wish him and Helen all the very best in his well-deserved retirement, we will go forward as a diocese, as we seek to live out our vision, Renewing Hope: Pray Serve Grow; a lasting legacy for which Bishop Nicholas will long be remembered and loved.”

Canon Joy Tubbs, our Diocesan Director of Education said:

“We are thankful to God for the ministry of Bishop Nicholas and for the wonderful Shepherd he is amongst us. He is the President of the Diocesan Board of Education and on behalf of every child, we thank him for his wise support. The DBE and schools are praying for Bishop Nicholas and Helen as they step out on this next stage of their lives.”

Nigel Salisbury, the Chair of our Diocesan Board of Finance said:

“It has been an enormous privilege to serve with Bishop Nicholas on the Diocesan Board of Finance and I shall be incredibly sad to see him retire later this year.

“His extraordinary personal kindness, godliness and humility, his unfalteringly inspiring Christian teaching, leadership and care, together with an immense capacity for hard work mean that his ministry and witness to the Gospel shine like a beacon across our Diocese, in our church, civic and community life.

“Yet, as a friend of both Nick and his wife Helen, I am delighted that such a well-deserved retirement lies ahead and add my sincere thanks to them both for their selfless and exemplary service and friendship over the last 10 years.

“Lucy and I join with so many others across the diocese in offering our very best wishes for a long and very happy retirement.”

The Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury Cathedral, who will chair the Vacancy in See Committee said:

“In Bishop Nicholas we have had a Bishop of profound humanity and purposeful courage. Shaped by his prayer, prophetic in his teaching, compassionate in his care, he has loved this Diocese and its Cathedral, and has been a wonderful friend to the Chapter.”

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