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Home Who's who Bishops The Bishop of Ramsbury Sermons, articles, and media To all licensed & PTO clergy and LLMs - All Souls’ Day 2021

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To all licensed & PTO clergy and LLMs - All Souls’ Day 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Nov, 2021 03:30 PM

Bishop Andrew wrote to all Ramsbury clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers on 2 November 2021, All Souls Day

Dear friends,

I wonder which of the faithful departed you are remembering with thanks this day? The deepening mood of November always suits such recollection, as we take stock ahead of the winter and draw upon the luminous example of those gone before us.

That mighty cloud of witnesses - who the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews imagines almost like an athletics crowd cheering on those running the race here below - is a significant part of what can redouble our strength for service, especially when those all too limited reserves run low. The Holy Spirit is the second wind that can inspire the most flagging soul. I was in HMP Erlestoke this morning, confirming a man in middle age who has been in prison nearly half his life, but has yet found the light of Christ bursting into his confinement as though a window or door had suddenly been knocked through where there were once only walls. It was powerful indeed to be reminded that God is active and able to bring such transformation, and to join in singing a heartfelt refrain of “Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me”.

There has not been much let-up in ministry for many of you, I know. Your endurance in the extraordinary test of the last two years has been both vital and admirable, and I am so grateful for your dedicated care of those in our charge. Please make and take opportunities for your own prayerful renewal wherever you can – and let others know when you need relief. If you would like to arrange a coffee or online conversation about your situation, please email me or Lynne to arrange this: it sometimes takes a few weeks to find a slot, but I will make room at short notice when things are urgent.

In these chillier, shortened days may you be warmed and comforted at God’s hearth within each of us.

Sincerely in Christ,

+Andrew Rumsey

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