School Leaders
Michael Ford
last modified
10 Jun, 2022 10:14 AM
"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins; not through strength, but by perseverance" - H Jackson Brown
- Learning, teaching, laughter, fun
- Children, staff, parents, governors
- Challenging, demanding, complex, exhausting
- Making a difference in children’s lives - the best job in the world
The Board of Education is here to walk alongside School Leaders in academies and schools, to support you professionally and pastorally as well as in exploring what it means to be the lay spiritual leader of your school. We continue to develop our work in response to need in this rapidly changing education landscape.
The resources on this page are intended to facilitate our partnership with you as a school or MAT leader.
For resources linked to Courses on Spiritual Leadership click here
Main contact:
School Improvement Adviser |
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