Working together with your School or Trust: The PSA and PCSF
The Partnership Service Agreement (PSA) is a proven successful tool for building transformational relationships between schools, academies, Trust and wider educational partners and the DBE.
This academic year the SDBE led Programme for Church School Flourishing (PCSF) launches an exciting piece of work pushing the boundaries of Diocese, Trust and school partnerships, building on the knowledge, skills and wisdom held by Trust leaders set with a heart of innovation, deep reflective thinking and a focus on building and equipping others.
The leaflets detailing the PSA and PSA/PCSF offer can be found below:
PSA 2022/23 |
PSA Subscription Courses |
Bespoke CPD offer |
PSA Subscription form |
PCSF Leaflet |
PCSF Video |
PCSF PSA Leaflet |
PCSF Subscription Form |
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