Child Exploitation and Trafficking
"Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from the creation of male and female in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm." - House of Bishops’ Policy for Safeguarding Children
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Child Trafficking are key areas for us all to be not just aware of but active in, engaging with current research and ways in which we can make a difference in our own communities and the wider world!
Underpinning the Church's response to human trafficking is the recognition that this most wicked of practices is incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human being.
We cannot afford to be complacent.
We are all called to action. every one of us: as people of faith and as members of the human race. We all live in community and communities hold the answer to understanding what’s going on and taking action to disrupt the global crime of human trafficking. Every instance of trafficking involves a person being trafficked from a community into a community. therefore the community has the power to stop it. Your church can help prevent human trafficking in your local and global community. Together we can make communities safer places where it is harder for traffickers to operate and hide themselves and their victims.
We commit ourselves to act by:
- Admitting that our consumer choices impact the exploitation and enslavement of others
- We can change our own behaviour and campaign to stop this.
We commit ourselves to act by:
- Acknowledging that people are trafficked into our communities
We commit ourselves to act by:
- Praying for freedom for all those enslaved through this trade.
- Praying that the church will rise up and take action.
This Pinterest button takes you to a board with direct links to relevant and thought provoking information about key organisations and charities including:
- Local and national government responses and legislation
- Church of England information on background to the issues
- Ideas about what to do if you think there might be a case of CSE
- Information for parents
Please pray for:
The victims
The ‘consumers' who fuel the trade
seek Justice
have true sight
embrace change
Those who support…
The Traffickers
have their hearts changed
My responsibility
my locality my town my village
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