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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Worship may return to our buildings

Worship may return to our buildings

by Michael Ford 27 June 2020

"The prospect of churches being able to re-open for worship is a relief and will be a great joy for many. There is also likely to be some anxiety about whether reopening is possible in local circumstances and some may be wondering whether the easing of lockdown is wise."

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Zooming their way into ministry

Zooming their way into ministry

by Michael Ford 29 June 2020

This Sunday, 13 of our soon-to-be curates will be licensed online as lay workers.

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Husband and wife

Husband and wife

by Michael Ford 27 June 2020

You can now say "I will" in church, but it will be a small affair.

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Ask the Family

Ask the Family

by Michael Ford 27 June 2020

As some of our churches start to plan a return to their buildings for worship and other activities, more than one of them has decided to ask their community to help with the planning.

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Church Without Walls

Church Without Walls

by Michael Ford 26 June 2020

Not all our churches will be able to reopen for worship and, for many people, the chance to join a virtual service or time of prayer is deepening their faith, while for others it is an introduction to the variety of styles of worship our churches can offer.

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Making connections

Making connections

by Michael Ford 26 June 2020

The new guidelines around re-opening our churches on July 4th mean that not all churches will be able to open and, where they can, worship will feel very different.

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Over to you

Over to you

by Michael Ford 26 June 2020

We would love to see and hear from you and what is happening with you and your church at the moment.

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Caleb and Me

Caleb and Me

by Michael Ford 26 June 2020

You are between 3 and 4 times more likely to die from Covid-19 if you have a registered disability.

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Does someone you know need a Daily dose of Hope?

Does someone you know need a Daily dose of Hope?

by Michael Ford 26 June 2020

In today’s digital age whilst Zoom, social media and online church services are keeping many connected during the coronavirus lockdown, those self-isolating without internet access can be left feeling forgotten.

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The Ministry of Cake

The Ministry of Cake

by Michael Ford 26 June 2020

For many, the fellowship provided by the Church is a lifeline, and lockdown only increased their social isolation.

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