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Over to you

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Jun, 2020 10:47 PM

We would love to see and hear from you and what is happening with you and your church at the moment.

Over to you

Courtesy Pexels

So do send us your videos!

Whether it's introducing a Local Prayer Space, or showing us how your church has been able to open up within the guidelines, we would love you to give us a bit of a tour.

Maybe you want to tell us why re-opening the church is important for you, or why you are still going to stay away for now.

Whatever it is, please record it on your phone and send it to us via or WeTransfer (to

We will feature as many as we can via social media.

We are also hoping to create a video that gives a snapshot of our Diocese at this time of change.

So it's over to you.

PS: please don't forget to record your footage in landscape (ie, horizontal) format.

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