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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Bishop Unveils ‘Great War Ringers’ Picture

Bishop Unveils ‘Great War Ringers’ Picture

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

On Thursday 1 October 2020, at The Wardrobe, the home of The Rifles Berkshire and Wiltshire Museum in The Close, Salisbury, Bishop Nicholas, as Patron of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers, unveiled a picture painted for the Guild by Westbury artist Helen Chester.

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Here for Culture

Here for Culture

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

The Church of England is thanking the Government, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic England for grants totalling over £10.7m to 66 churches and cathedrals across the country, including our Cathedral.

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Bishops Back Clean Air Day

Bishops Back Clean Air Day

by Michael Ford 6 October 2020

The Bishops of Salisbury and Sherborne are backing National Clean Air Day, which is taking place this Thursday (October 8th).

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A Joyous Weekend

A Joyous Weekend

by Michael Ford 6 October 2020

Despite the current restrictions, our Diocesan ordinations and licensings were "wonderful" occasions, followed online and attended by devoted supporters.

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The 900th Time Around

The 900th Time Around

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

As the Church continues to change, adapting to the times we live in, staying rooted in our heritage is ever more important.

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Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces

by Michael Ford 5 October 2020

The Church of England has launched ‘Safe Spaces’, an online and telephone service to help survivors and victims of abuse carried out by clergy or church officers, however long ago it happened.

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Raising awareness of LOVE

Raising awareness of LOVE

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

In these changing times, our churches are finding ever more creative ways of spreading a Christian message of hope. Many of those are taking a digital form - but some are physical and highly visible.

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Lockdown Licensing of Lay Leaders

Lockdown Licensing of Lay Leaders

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

The licensing of Angharad Hughes and Alison Andre as Lay Worship leaders in the Upper Kennet Churches finally went ahead – albeit with significantly fewer attendees than originally planned.

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Beep your horn to say 'Amen'

Beep your horn to say 'Amen'

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

With churchgoers still unable to enjoy singing hymns inside churches due to Covid-19, some of our local communities are being invited to attend special ‘drive-in Harvest Festival’ services - a 2020 take on a favourite autumn tradition to say thanks for the harvest and to all local farmers who have continued working during the pandemic.

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The need to pray

The need to pray

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

With many restrictions still in place, our parishes have had to be resourceful, not least when it comes to our Diocesan commitment to, and need for, individual and corporate prayer.

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